Posts tagged Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday: Provide a Safe and Healthy Home for Neighbors in Need

Giving Tuesday is the annual 24-hour day of giving when people worldwide give back to support the causes they care most about. This year, Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte is asking the community for $25,000 to support the neighbors in need who live behind every front door, where there’s a story of home and family. A home should be a safe and healthy place to rely on, but that’s not the reality for many low-income homeowners in the Greater Charlotte area who can’t afford the rising costs of maintenance.

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Behind Every Front Door: RTGC seeks to raise $25K from community to fund one repair project

There’s a story of home and family behind every front door. Home should be a safe and healthy place you can rely on, but that’s not the reality for many neighbors in need in the Greater Charlotte area. This holiday season, we're asking the community for $25,000 — the average cost of one of our projects.

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