Behind Every Front Door: RTGC seeks to raise $25K from community to fund one repair project


Behind Every Front Door campaign logo.


There’s a story of home and family behind every front door. Home should be a safe and healthy place you can rely on, but that’s not the reality for many neighbors in need in the Greater Charlotte area.

Working with community leaders, neighborhood residents, volunteers, skilled tradespeople, and our staff and board of directors, Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte can make the greatest possible impact in the lives of low-income homeowners through critical home repairs and accessibility modifications.

This holiday season, we’re asking the community for $25,000 — the average cost of one of our projects. RTGC’s Safe and Healthy Housing model prioritizes critical repairs that correct 25 scientifically proven health and safety hazards that are common in older homes, including falls, fires, moisture and mold, asthma and allergies and toxic exposures such as carbon monoxide.

By giving the gift of a safe and healthy home, your investment changes the lives of neighbors in need during challenging times.

"It meant a lot to see the kindness exuded to me," said Ray Goodman, a homeowner who recently received repairs. "They didn't know me from a can of paint, so to come in and to help me as much as they did, I can't express the feelings I have for the team."

When all construction was completed, RTGC contributed almost $39,000 in value to Goodman’s home. The team repaired his bathroom, provided him a new stove and refrigerator, put in a new HVAC system, and helped to replace his roof.

"[RTGC] has impacted my life immensely," he said. "It has been a joy to see the work that has gone into this, and to meet all of the people working on it."

For Carol Minor, a repair project from RTGC made her home much more accessible. Modifications included placing additional grab bars in the bathroom, removing the tub for easier access, and building a ramp into the home.

"I feel so much better since I don't have to worry about falling," Minor said. "I am so grateful for all of my blessings and I am so happy for all of the hard work, peace, and kind understanding."

RTGC has more than 13 years of experience in home safety and sustainability, with strong community and neighborhood partnerships. With your support, we:

  • Improve Health: Over 6 in 10 neighbors either maintained good/excellent health after repairs or experienced improved health after repairs.

  • Improve Mental Health: Half of neighbors said their mental health improved after receiving home repairs.

  • Increase Community Connection: 60% of neighbors reported an increased feeling of inclusion within the neighborhood after repairs.

For more information on the impact RTGC has on neighbors in need and their communities, explore the 2022-23 Annual Report.