At Summit 2023, the annual networking and training event organized by Rebuilding Together for all affiliates nationwide, RTGC was recognized with the Excellence in Community Engagement Award for its Building a Healthy Neighborhood (BaHN) program in historic Hidden Valley. When the projects for low-income families are complete in Hidden Valley, RTGC will have conducted repairs on close to 70 homes in the neighborhood.
Read MoreAt the foundation of Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte’s Building a Healthy Neighborhood program is building trust in the communities we serve. That means listening to their needs. Residents routinely shared that Tom Hunter Park was in need of serious renovations. Indeed, the park had received an “F” rating from Mecklenburg County but was not part of their five-year plan. So that’s when we stepped in.
Read MoreNext Stage, a consultancy that connects partners with nonprofits, private sector companies, government agencies, family institutions, philanthropy, and community leaders, recently published a report on the case for community voice. As part of the report about the importance for cultivating trust in this rapidly changing environment, Next Stage studies how Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte built trust in Hidden Valley, its current Building a Healthy Neighborhood site.
Read MoreRebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte was recognized with the Excellence in Community Engagement Award at Summit 2023, the annual networking and training event organized by Rebuilding Together, for its Building a Healthy Neighborhood program in historic Hidden Valley. he program started critical home repair, accessibility modifications, and community revitalization projects in Hidden Valley in 2022 and is currently accepting applications. To date, RTGC has completed 18 critical home repair and accessibility modification projects for low-income homeowners in Hidden Valley in addition to two community projects. Fifteen projects are in progress, and RTGC anticipates 30 projects through its second cycle of applications.
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