Community Impact: Tom Hunter Park


The playground at Tom Hunter Park after renovations.

Over the past year, we have grown very close with our neighbors in Charlotte's Hidden Valley neighborhood. As we attended community meetings and listened to residents, they shared with us that Tom Hunter Park needed some attention. One such resident was Marjorie Parker, who is in her second year serving as the Hidden Valley Community Association President.

"[Before the repairs], I didn't even think about where the park was," Parker said. "I would travel to others."

The walking trails that connected the park to the neighborhood were blocked by fallen trees and debris. The park also did not have seating or a covered area for neighborhood residents to enjoy or host events in the park. Although Tom Hunter Park had received an "F" rating, Mecklenburg County did not have immediate plans on making improvements, and it was not a part of their five-year plan.

That's when Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte, in partnership with the Republic Services Foundation, stepped in. After revitalizing the park, it now has cleared and paved walking trails that connect to Hidden Valley, a covered pavilion with electrical hookups to host community events, plenty of seating, and beautified garden space.

"Now a lot more people use the park," Parker said. "This doesn't just serve this neighborhood but also the larger community and the residents who live beyond Hidden Valley."

Tom Hunter Park has also become a place for nonprofit organizations to bring services to the community. The Bulb, a free farmers market dedicated to providing local fresh produce to low-income communities, holds its weekly free farmers market at Tom Hunter Park.

This partnership and the investment in the park sparked the attention from Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation that it would not otherwise have received, and the County has increased its investment in the park and will provide regular maintenance.

We are proud to lead the way in revitalization efforts throughout the Greater Charlotte area in homes and community spaces.

This story on Tom Hunter Park first appeared in the 2022-23 Annual Report. View the report to see more stories on the impact of providing safe and healthy homes and neighborhoods.

Quote from Marjorie Parker on how often people use the park after renovations.

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