National Rebuilding Month Is Here


This story by Lisa McFall first appeared on

Today marks the second day of National Rebuilding Month – a month-long call to service that [Re]Builders have been celebrating every April since 1973! During National Rebuilding Month, Rebuilding Together affiliates across the country, including Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte, and volunteers will serve veterans, older adults, families and neighbors recovering from natural disasters by providing them with a variety of essential health and safety home repairs.

Last April, Rebuilding Together affiliates worked with more than 15,000 volunteers to repair close to 800 homes and more than 100 community centers nationwide, positively impacting the lives of over 1,400 local residents. This year will be no different, as our affiliates are gearing up for a month of service in their communities. The repairs Rebuilding Together affiliates will provide are free of charge to neighbors in need, who are often faced with diminishing resources and must choose food and medicine over critical home repairs.

“Many of the neighbors in our communities are living in unsafe and unhealthy homes, unable to afford the essential home repairs they desperately need,” said Maureen Carlson, Interim President and CEO of Rebuilding Together. “This April, thousands of Rebuilding Together volunteers will come together in service for their neighbors as a part of our annual month-long call to service, National Rebuilding Month.”

Rebuilding Together affiliates like RTGC work year-round, but our efforts are amplified in April to get the word out about this important work and help neighbors in need.

Are you interested in getting involved with Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte during National Rebuilding Month?