Safe and Healthy Housing: Thermally Controlled


A safe and healthy home is vital for overall health, which is why Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte’s Safe and Health Housing model is foundational for all the critical repair projects we do. The eight principles of a safe and healthy home are: clean, dry, safe, ventilated, contaminant-free, pest-free, maintained, and thermally-controlled.

Creating homes that are safe and healthy is vital to the overall health of people living in that home. One big part of the Safe and Healthy Housing model is making sure homes stay the right temperature all year round. We call this "thermally controlled housing." Let's explore what this means and how RTGC makes it happen.

What does “thermally controlled” mean?

Thermal control in housing just means making sure your home stays at a comfortable temperature no matter the weather outside. If your house is too hot in summer or too cold in winter, that's not good. It can make you uncomfortable and even sick sometimes. If it’s too hot, you can suffer heat stroke or heat exhaustion. When it’s cold outside, inadequate heat can lead to hypothermia. Plus, you can experience worsened health conditions, like respiratory problems or cardiovascular issues.

Steps to Making a Thermally Controlled Home

Adding More Insulation

Imagine a big, warm blanket around your house. That's what insulation does. It keeps the heat in during winter and out during summer. In all of our critical repair projects to ensure safe and healthy homes, we make sure to put insulation in the right places, like your attic or walls, to keep your home cozy all year.

Fixing Drafts

Have you ever felt a cold breeze near a window or door? That's a draft, and it means your house is letting in cold air. Drafts are sneaky little breezes that find their way into your home through tiny gaps around windows, doors, or even electrical outlets. They can make your home feel chilly and cause your heating or cooling system to work harder than it needs to. RTGC tackles drafts by sealing up those gaps with things like weatherstripping or caulking. It's like putting on a cozy sweater for your home, keeping the warm air in and the cold air out.

Making Heating and Cooling Systems Work Better

Just like you need to take care of your body to stay healthy, your home's heating and cooling system needs a little TLC too. RTGC checks things like air filters, ducts, and thermostats to make sure everything is working properly. They clean or replace filters, seal duct leaks, and make sure your system is running efficiently. This not only keeps your home comfortable but also saves you money on energy bills!

Stopping Leaks and Moisture

Water might be great for plants, but it's not so great for your home. Leaks and moisture can lead to mold, rot, and other nasty problems. RTGC checks for leaks in things like roofs, plumbing, and basements, and fixes them before they cause any damage. They also make sure your home has good ventilation to prevent moisture buildup, keeping your home dry and healthy.

Get Involved in Making Safe and Healthy Homes

By doing these things, RTGC makes sure that everyone has a safe and healthy home. And guess what? You can help too! Whether you're a volunteer, a donor, or a partner, you can be part of making homes better for everyone. Together, let's make sure every home is a happy and healthy place to live!

Volunteers add and cover over insulation.