Safe and Healthy Housing: Eight Principles for Home Repairs


A volunteer installs gutter paneling on a Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte repair project.

A home should be a safe and healthy place that people can rely on, but for many neighbors in the Greater Charlotte area, that’s not the reality. Homeowners on fixed, low-incomes can’t afford to maintain and repair their homes, so they become unsafe, unhealthy, and hazardous.

Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte provides safe and healthy homes at no cost to neighbors in need through critical home repairs and accessibility modifications.

At the foundation for every repair and modification project we do is our Safe and Healthy Housing Model.

Safe and Healthy Housing Model

The Safe and Healthy Housing Model serves as our guiding framework for identifying and addressing the most common safety and health hazards found in older homes, which are often the ones we work on. These hazards, ranging from falls and fires to mold and toxic exposures, can significantly impact the well-being of the families living in the home if unaddressed. By focusing on 25 scientifically proven safety and health hazards, we ensure that our repair projects are both targeted and effective.

Why This Model?

A home is more than just four walls and a roof. It should be a sanctuary, a safe place where families should feel secure and comfortable. By addressing fundamental safety and health aspects, we not only improve the living conditions but also enhance the overall quality of life for the families we serve. According to the Centers for Disease Control, a person’s zip code is more predictive of their overall health. A person’s quality of life is strongly influenced by where they live, work and play, says the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health. Indeed, the National Institute of Health found in 2016 that most people spend 70% or more time inside their home. Repairing homes to make them safer and healthier through our model is vital to improving health outcomes for the families we serve

Eight Characteristics of a Safe and Healthy Home


A clean home reduces pest infestation and exposure to contaminants. Regular cleaning routines help eliminate dust, allergens, and other pollutants that can adversely affect respiratory health and make pest infestations less likely. A clean home promotes overall well-being.


Damp homes provide an environment for molds, dust mites, roaches, and rodents. All of these can cause or worsen asthma. Proper moisture control is also essential for preventing mold growth, which can exacerbate respiratory issues and cause structural damage. By addressing leaks and moisture problems, we ensure that homes remain dry and habitable.


Injuries such as falls, burns, and poisonings occur most often in the home, especially for children and older adults.


Access to a good, fresh air supply in a home is important for improving respiratory health and reducing exposure to indoor pollutants. Adequate ventilation helps maintain indoor air quality by circulating fresh air and reducing the buildup of pollutants. Proper ventilation systems mitigate issues like indoor air pollution and excessive humidity.


Exposure to harmful chemicals, such as lead, radon, gas, asbestos particles, carbon monoxide, and secondhand smoke are far higher indoors than outside.


Poorly maintained homes are at risk for moisture, pest problems, and injury hazards. Deteriorated lead-based paint in older housing is the primary cause of lead poisoning, which affects more than a half-million children every year in the United States.

Thermally Controlled

Prolonged exposure to excessive heat, cold, or humidity places families at risk for various health problems. Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is essential for occupant comfort and health. Proper insulation and heating and cooling systems ensure homes remain thermally controlled year-round.


Exposure to pests, such as rodents or roaches, can trigger asthma attacks. Pest infestations not only pose health risks but also compromise the structural integrity of homes.

The Safe and Healthy Housing model signifies our commitment to providing safe and healthy homes for everyone. By addressing the eight characteristics of a safe and healthy home, we empower families to live happier, healthier lives.

Volunteers rebuild a deck at a Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte repair project.

Would you like to help us provide safe and healthy homes for neighbors in need? Give today! Every gift allows us to offer repairs and modifications at no cost to low-income homeowners in the Greater Charlotte area.