Meet Director of Construction Nikki Quick


It’s National Women in Construction Week, celebrating and promoting the role of women in the construction industry.

Get to know Director of Construction Nikki Quick! Nikki has been with Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte for two years. In her role as the director of construction, Nikki is responsible for the completion of projects. She manages the construction and program teams, oversees our application and intake process, coordinates with approved contractors, and much more!

What tool are you?

I’m a multi-tool because I have the ability to complete any task!

What does home mean to you?

Safe, happy, loved, stable. It’s where my worries can be left at the door.

What’s your favorite thing to do in the Greater Charlotte area?

I love to hike and visit used bookstores.

What’s your favorite book?

“A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,” by Betty Smith.

What’s your favorite hobby?


Why do you think it’s important for people to get involved with RTGC?

When you’re involved with RTGC, you’re involved in the community. Nothing feels better than helping your community!

What’s been your journey in the construction trades?

My journey in construction started with my brother Charles. He called me one day and asked if I wanted to come and help a few days removing wet insulation and damaged items from a flooded basement. I had just resigned from my financial position at the hospital, and feeling burned out and unsure what I wanted to do moving forward, I decided to try it. That was the start of my construction career. I stayed with that company doing remodels, learning all I could and working my way up from laborer to supervisor.

From there, it was production homes, where I was able to learn more and add to my experience. Working with new homes taught me that my passion was with older, existing homes instead of building new ones. Working in older homes was like a book. They’re full of memories and history, each with a different story. Eventually I made my way back to remodeling and soon to the rehabilitation of homes through nonprofits. I’m a general contractor and a certified aging-in-place specialist, and I truly feel that there is always something to learn in construction.

When I started in construction, women in the trades were not talked about much, and there was a very small number of women in the field doing hands-on repairs like I was. I had a lot of challenges to overcome, especially when it came to leading in a male-dominating field. But, I also had the support of my brothers and other male team members who taught me the skills that I have and supported me through my journey.

What would you say to a woman interested in getting involved in construction?

Do it! If this is something that you want, don’t let others tell you differently. Your gender — or height, color of your hair, whatever — shouldn’t be the determining factor of your career choice.