Homeowner Linda Coble shares how critical home repairs and accessibility modifications provided by Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte help her feel safe in her home.

I truly feel that they’re an organization that’s committed to helping people age in place, and I’m just grateful that there is a resource in the community that is true to what they say.
— Linda, Homeowner

Upcoming Events:

May 3: Deadline for Mecklenburg County Residents to Complete Applications for Services

Due to the demand of neighbors in need in Mecklenburg County, Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte has put into effect a deadline of Friday, May 3 for Mecklenburg County residents to complete an application for our services.

Four North Mecklenburg County neighborhoods are exceptions to the deadline, so residents in Davidson West, East Catawba, Pottstown, and Smithville may continue to apply for critical home repair and accessibility modification services through RTGC.

Services will continue in all of Mecklenburg County even while applications are closed.

June 4: Rebuild the Roost at NoDa Brewing

[Re]Build the Roost is an uplifting community event in Charlotte, where neighbors come together to celebrate the work of RTGC, build birdhouses, and raise money to support critical home repairs and accessibility modifications for neighbors in need.